“A New Creation”
Today we close the conversation dealing with Defense Mechanisms – Camouflaging Least Preferred Characteristics. There are several defense mechanisms that one may use to camouflage his/her least preferred characteristics and today we will unmask the final two for this series, R & R “Rationalization” and “Repression.” The goal for the week was to go deep into the “self” and “expose” any hidden or ‘Repressed’ emotions that may lead to an emotional roadblock in our quest to build healthy and lasting relationships. How are you managing the task?
Rationalization entails creating a rational explanation or justification for our behavior. In this instance, one is selecting the “id” – – satisfying ‘self’ at the expense of others or not considering the outcome of the behavior/decision made – – over the “ego” or “superego”. For example, it is a great beach day, but you have to work; however, you decide to call out sick so you can go to the beach. One may rationalize this action by declaring the need for a “mental health day”; hence, calling out is not a big deal. In this case, the least preferred characteristic being camouflaged is dishonesty.
Repression is suppressing a feeling that is unacceptable. If a mother has forfeited her career to stay at home and raise the children, but becomes resentful and jealous when her grown children find success in their careers, her shame for her least preferred characteristic – – jealousy – – will cause her to repress these feeling in her subconscious mind. This week’s conversation was worth it.
Dr. Valerie Small
Making Things Happen.
Follow me on Facebook at Dr. Valerie Small and Twitter @Vsmall120.